Using the book
R packages
There are quite a few R packages used in the book. To prepare your R installation for running all the examples in this book, you can use the following commands to install these packages.
packages <- c("AER", "ca", "car", "colorspace", "corrplot", "countreg", "directlabels",
"effects", "ggparallel", "ggplot2", "ggtern", "gmodels", "gnm", "gpairs",
"heplots", "Lahman", "lattice", "lmtest", "logmult", "MASS", "mgcv", "nnet",
"plyr", "pscl", "RColorBrewer", "reshape2", "rms", "rsm", "sandwich", "splines",
"vcd", "vcdExtra", "VGAM", "xtable")
The countreg
package, used in Chapter 11, may not yet be available on CRAN. If not, you can install it from the R-Forge development site.
# if countreg is not yet on CRAN:
install.packages("countreg", repos="")
Data sets by package
The following lists the data sets used in the book, by package. Links to the data set documentation for CRAN packages are courtesy of
- NMES1988
- agridat
- jansen.strawberry
- car
- Womenlf
- countreg
- CodParasites, CrabSatellites
- datasets
- HairEyeColor, iris, UCBAdmissions
- effects
- Arrests
- HistData
- Arbuthnot
- Lahman
- Master
- logmult
- criminal, gss8590
- birthwt, caith
- Sleuth2
- case2201
- vcd
- Arthritis, Bundesliga, Butterfly, CoalMiners, Employment, Federalist, HorseKicks, Lifeboats, PreSex, Punishment, RepVict, Saxony, SexualFun, SpaceShuttle, Suicide, UKSoccer, VisualAcuity, WeldonDice, WomenQueue
- vcdExtra
- Abortion, Accident, AirCrash, Caesar, Cormorants, CyclingDeaths, DaytonSurvey, Donner, Geissler, Hauser79, ICU, Mammograms, Mental, PhdPubs, Toxaemia, TV, Vietnam
R code
All of the R code from the book is available in the links below for browsing or saving. Alternatively you can get it all in a zip file.